Out now on New York Haunted is Dwaaltocht, a 5 track EP featuring 5 tracks made around the theme of wandering.
NYH head honcho Drvg Cvltvre puts it (for those who know):
This is typical Dutch school to be honest, somewhere between Viewlexx and Pinkman, with a hint of Bunker as well.
Dwaaltocht is roughly translated as A Wandering in English, and that’s what it felt like while making these tracks.
Not limiting myself to a genre can sometimes also be challenge in finding some sort of direction where the music you’re making is going to. Frustration kicked in at times when the music was to much all over the place, but after a while I got my enjoyment back in just wandering musically. Which in itself became the backbone of my music making and the theme of this EP.
I yet again had the opportunity to make the artwork for this EP and two videoclips.
Press text
Straight from that crossroad where techno and house meet deep house and EBM comes the lonely wanderer called Canvax. This Dutch producer has been working on these tracks for some time now, perfecting every single sound and distorted pad and paying attention to structure and build to rival the best in any electronic genre. The titles are all in Dutch as well, referencing a dreamlike state in which anything can happen. Perfect for the music, which has so much detail that it’s impossible to absorb on first listen alone.
This is some heavy and moody music, and I’m sorry that my only reference for this EP is early Drvg Cvltvre, right about the time two labels sprung up to take that pulsating, slow rhythm sound as their chosen battle weapon. This is typical Dutch school to be honest, somewhere between Viewlexx and Pinkman, with a hint of Bunker as well. I predict big things for Canvax, so be sure to snatch this up and check it out. Sublime, bass driven, tech house without any of the icky stuff!